Invitation to Join the Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge (HKEPC) Student Organizing Committee

  • 2024-06-20 ~ 2024-07-31
  • 12:00am - 12:00am

Undergraduate students who are interested in Hong Kong’s economic issues are welcome to join as members of the organizing committee!

HKEPC is a bi-annual case competition that aims to bridge the gap between economic theory and practicality, giving tertiary students a purpose to channel what they learn in the classroom to solve Hong Kong’s economic issues. The competition is co-organized by the Department of Economics and the Center for Economic Policy (CEP). In 2021, HKEPC focused on Hong Kong’s housing crisis, and in 2023, we tackled Hong Kong’s labor force crisis. More information about HKEPC can be found at


Send your name and major to Mr. Hiram Chau at by the end of July 2024


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