3 results for ‘HKEPC’
Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge 2023  

[updated on 17 May 2023] The Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge 2023 Grand Finale concluded on May 6th, check out at https://cep.hkust.edu.hk/news/the-grand-finale-hong-kong-economic-policy-challenge-2023

The Grand Finale - Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge 2023

The Grand Finale of the Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge 2023 in association with the HKUST Center of Economic Policy and Economics Department comes to a close on May 6th, 2023. The competition received economic policy proposals from undergraduates around the world, focusing on a pivotal issue for the future of Hong Kong: labor force crisis.

Invitation to Join the Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge (HKEPC) Student Organizing Committee

Undergraduate students who are interested in Hong Kong’s economic issues are welcome to join as members of the organizing committee!


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