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Former Student Research Intern
Sneha Puri
Internship Period:
2021 Fall - 2022 Spring (Supervised by Prof. Sujata Visaria and Prof. Hyuncheol Bryant Kim)
Former Student Research Intern
Sneha Puri
Internship Period:
2021 Fall - 2022 Spring (Supervised by Prof. Sujata Visaria and Prof. Hyuncheol Bryant Kim)
CEP Research Areas
Sneha is a senior at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), majoring in Economics and Marketing. She is currently working with professors at HKUST in a study about the finances and wellbeing of Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong. She has been involved in data collection, cleaning and analysis over the past few months.
Upon graduation, she aspires to continue studying Development Economics and Policy at postgraduate level. She is particularly interested in Education and its role in facilitating economic development.